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Hemmingsson et al. 2008
"The pontoon trap: Description and function of a seal-safe trap-net."
Lundin et al. 2011
"Size selection of herring (Clupea harengus membras) in a pontoon trap equipped with a rigid grid."
Lundin et al. 2012
"Selection efficiency of encircling grids in a herring pontoon trap."
Lundin et al. 2012
" Survival of juvenile herring (Clupea harengas membras) after passing through a selection grid in a pontoon trap"
Lundin et al. 2015
" Size selection of whitefish (Coregonus maraena) in a pontoon trapequipped with an encircling square mesh selection panel."
Lundin et al. 2015
" The efficiency of selection grids in perch pontoon traps"
Lunneryd & Fjälling 2004
" Stormaskefälla och pushup fiskhus ger hopp i säldrabbade områden."
Suuronen et al. 2006
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" Low impact and fuel efficient fishing—Looking beyond the horizon."
European Fisheries Fund
An investment in sustainable fishing