Christer started fishing in the mid-1990s when the problems caused by seals destroying fishing gear and taking the fish were growing ever worse. Christer wanted to develop fishing gear that was both seal-proof and easier to use than the gear available at the time. He used his technical knowledge from previous projects within the fields of construction and mechanics to manufacture an aluminium trap that could easily be lifted out of the water using a compressor and air-filled pontoons. With assistance from Fiskeriverket (the former Swedish National Board of Fisheries), the trap was introduced to the market, and it has since revolutionised fishing, and salmon fishing in particular, in Sweden and Finland.
Mikael has worked at the company since the early 2000s. In 2008, he started a PhD where he tested different methods to be able to fish selectively by size using pontoon traps.
Mikael has been employed by the company since 2000, and his work has involved both the manufacture of fishing gear and test-fishing as part of various research projects. He has previously worked in the fishing industry in trawling and fish processing.
European Fisheries Fund
An investment in sustainable fishing